Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Gettysburg Zone Part 2

The town square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was really a circle. Difficult to navigate at virtually anytime, but downright dangerous in tourist season. And June was dead in the middle of tourist season. Folks came from around the world to explore the site of the three day Civil War Battle that undoubtedly tipped the scales in the favor of a Union victory. The streets were filled with double decker tour buses, school buses and thousands of single family vehicles. That made every street in the town...which was also the county seat...and obstacle course. But a major commercial route ran right through the town square! Interstate 30 brought all types of transports barrelling through the little town year round! Karen held her breath as a minivan with Virginia plates cut off Paul's Charger and nearly clipped the front fender Paul was unruffled and did what any Gettysburg native had done since birth: navigated until they were headed south on Baltimore Street.
Paul laughed. "What's the matter? They don't teach you to drive in Virginia?"
Karen glared at him. "I can drive but we have normal town squares in Virginia...not circles. thank you!"
Paul laughed and held up one hand to ward off invisible blows. "Easy, reb! I was kidding!" He pulled the Charger into the McDonald's drive thru and ordered for both of them. He was 21 and a Gettysburg native. Although he never graduated high school, he made a living wage at the local furniture factory. He, too, still lived at home out of love for his mother. Sometimes his old man drank too much and slapped his mother around. Since Paul had tackled his father during one such drunken rage James Jefferson was careful not to hit on his wife. Paul had been 17 at the time and he'd been fiercly protective of his mother ever since. He didn't believe in men hitting women and it showed in how he treated Karen.
The radio was playing some kind of heavy metal so Karen switched to a country station. The traffic on Baltimore Street was heavy with the mix of tourist traffic and the local Friday night dinner crowd. The Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Hardees were overflowing, too. McDonald's, too, was packed but the drive thru was both quick and convenient and soon they were on their way out of town with the usual fast food fare. Appropriately enough, Paul parked at the statue of General Robert E. Lee on Confederate Avenue for them to eat their food. It was still early enough. The June breezes were warm and redolent of new mown grass. The battlefield caretakers had been out earlier. The crickets and birds serenaded anyone who cared to listen.
"You look really nice," Paul complimented her between bites of Big Mac.
Karen grinned. "Thanks. My dad would have a fit over the jeans."
"How'd you get out?"
"He's at a revival meeting. Mom's not nearly as strict."
Paul shook his head. "Y'know, dating a preacher's daughter is..." He stopped seeing her take interest in every word.
She arched an eyebrow quizzically. "Is what?"
"Never mind." He popped the last bit of his Big Mac into his mouth and chewed slowly so that he wouldn't have to talk.
"C'mon. What is it?"
Paul Jefferson sighed inwardly. He liked Karen but he had serious doubts about where their relationship was headed. She was so dominated by her parents., especially her father, that she always seemed tense and overwound. They got along well but their physical contact was minimal, even after four or so months of dating. Maybe he just didn't turn her on. It was a bruising thought to his male ego, but it seemed all too true. It wasn't as though she wouldn't let him kiss her. She did. But she always remained tightly in control of her emotions even when his hormones were raging out of control! And then there was that damnable curfew! Eleven on weeknights and one on Friday and Saturday. And never on a Sunday! Karen never missed her curfew. She strived to be the perfect daughter. So exactly where they were going, Paul had no idea.
Karen looked over at Paul. He seemed so lost in thought as he absently nibbled on a cherry pie. A stray bit of cherry missed his mouth preferring to linger at the corner of his mouth She took a deep breath to calm herself. She was still nearly overwhelmed by Paul's almost stereotypcal tall, dark and handsome good looks. When she was with him, every nerve ending in her body was charged with wanting. At least she thought that was what wanting felt like. Karen Hampton was still a virgin. She reached over to wipe away the offending cherry. Her finger slipped into his mouth and she started to pull back when she though he was going to bite her. To her surprise, he caught her wrist and put her finger back into his mouth. Slowly, deliberately he sucked on her finger. Her father would've called it an obscene gesture. She found the action wildly exciting. There was a fire in his dark eyes and she was absolutely hypnotized. He pulled her accross the console for a kiss. She resisted only slightly when his tongue touched her lips, pleading for entry into her mouth. The kiss seemed to go on forever, his tongue probing gently. He held her so tightly against him that she could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. Or was it her own? She absently ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair. But when his hand brushed ever so slightly against her breast she forced herself to pull back, breathless and on fire! He started to say something but he took notice of the time.
"Shit! Hold that thought, honey. I've got to pick up the beer and stash it so we can pick up the rest of the party!" He fired up the Charger and headed back towards town.
Later that evening, Karen quietly nursed her beer, deep in thought. Alcohol was forbidden in the Hampton house, except for sacramenta; wine. Consequently one beer could last her a very long time. Paul's back was turned away from her and he was into some deep, philosophical car related conversation with Mike Nichols. Funny how carbuerators could take on the signifigance of a religious icon when guys discussed them. It was a beautiful starry night and the view from the top of the castle was spectacular, even if a bit spooky. After awhile she sat down her warm beer. Quietly she crept up behind Paul and slipped her arms around his waist. He looked over his shoulder with curiosity and she flashed him a nervous smile.
"Can we talk?" she drawled finally.
"In private?"
Paul was intrigued. "Hey, gang. Clear out, wouldja? I want few minutes of privacy."
Chris Connors snickered as he walked down the spiral stone stairs. Mike winked at Robin McNeal, his date, and they followed Chris down the stairs. Paul figured they were going to take advantage of the time. He also resigned himself to the fact that Mike would definitely see more action than he would. Before long they were completely alone. Paul took her hand and met her eyes. In the moolight it was impossible to read them. Before he could say anything her lips were on his. She had to tiptoe to reach him but she had no problem after that. He was stunned when her tongue darted into his mouth. Her arms were around his neck and her body was pressed dangerously close to him. Damn! Couldn't she feel what she was doing to him?!?!? But Karen was all too aware of the current between them. Heat lightning briefly lit the sky as the two lovers swayed ever so slightly in perfect unison. She vaguely felt a trickle of sweat run down her back. She was keenly aware of the hard male presence pressing against her. After four months of dating with the ritualistic petting as her mother called it, Karen was so ready for something more. Many nights she had pulled away from Paul's embrace only to run home to an icy cold shower. She was sure that Paul had, too, and it wasn't fair. On this June night, things were to change drastically.

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