Monday, May 28, 2012

What was the inventor of DVR THINKING?!?!?!?

Today is Memorial Day. I say good job to those who served, including my technical ex who is a Viet Nam era vet, my adopted dad (WWII), my step father (Korean Era) and my late father-in-law (Korean Purple Heart Recipient). But I didn't BBQ. I didn't go fishing at the local lake like my tech ex and our oldest son. I will deal with the tech ex reference in a later blog. I am tied to my DVR. The DVR was a great idea in theory. You miss something because of work, work search (and I will cover that in a later blog, too) or something else...TA DAH!... you can record it! What is insidious is that SOMETHING always comes up when you sit down with that bowl of popcorn for the movie you didn't have time to see in the theater. My son has fire school, fire calls or studies for fire school. The tech ex prefers to channel surf and watch NASCAR to watching what is actually on. Inevitably they will come to me to with one of 3 inquiries: did I record it, will I record it or can they watch it. My DVR is full of stuff from HALLOWEEN 2011! To be honest, I love "Hocus Pocus", certain TCM movies that remind me of my late adopted mom and/or my birth mother and (recipes from) "The Chew" and "Swamp People". My oldest son is a prep cook at a local restaurant and loves to see a recipe executed. So I have been tied to the DVR to remove the stuff that I record during my job searches and interviews. I MUST have "The View", "General Hospital" and, occasionally "Anderson Cooper". At night I watch "The O'Reilly Factor" if I don't have to get up early. Then there is "On The Record With Greta Van Sustern". I watch "Hannity" only to see how out there he can get in 60 minutes and I yell at the TV. Fair and balanced? Not so much with Sean Hannity. It seems that I blink and my DVR only has 4 hours recording time left! ARGHHHH! C'mon!! Don't tell me that this started with the old school VHS! You could store mountains of VHS tapes and....ewww! That would make us hoarders!! Another show to watch! Curses!! The DVR is a vicious circle! Eat a pulled pork sandwich for me. I have 2 minutes to nuke a cup of noodle soup before I take the DVR off pause. I'm on a schedule here, folks!